Scientific Publication

The impact of community animal health services on farmers in low-income countries: A literature review


This review aimed to bring together as much of the data as possible pertaining to the impact of community animal health services. The data was analysed for evidence that community animal health has an impact on farmers in low-income countries. The quality of the data was scored and recommendations for conducting impact assessments made. Over 300 documents relating to community animal health services were retrieved from databases, the internet, and organisations' bookshelves. Thirty of these met the selection criteria developed for the review. The quality of the design of the 30 studies was of varying quality and the conclusions drawn by the authors did not always relate to the evidence in the reports. Conclusions on the success and impact of projects were often drawn on implemention indicators rather than on impact indicators (e.g. livelihoods indicators). The quality of the ex post assessments relies on the monitoring and evaluation that has been on-going during the project cycle. However, all of the studies showed that community animal health projects have positive benefits on poor farmers and have especially high economic benefits. Recommendations are made regarding the design of future impact assessments