Poster / Presentation

Improving Livelihoods of Small Farmers and Rural Women through Value-Added Processing and Export of Cashmere, Wool and Mohair: Achievements Progress reportt (2010 2013)


1. Characteristics of nomadic pastoralism production system.
2. Cashmere characteristics of Raeini goats kept by Nomads.
3. Cashmere production and marketing in Iran.
4. Cashmere shedding and combing.
5. Effect of year on cashmere characteristics.

1. Характеристика кочевых производственных систем с выпасом скота.
2. Характеристика пуха коз Раени, содержащихся кочевниками.
3. Производство и маркетинг кашемира в Иране.
4. Выпадение и чесание пуха.
5. Эффект года на характеристике кашемира