Scientific Publication

Incidence of Stem Borers on Postrainy-season Transplanted Sorghum in Cameroon, Nigeria, and Chad in 1995/96


Incidence of stem borers (Sesamia poephaga, S. calamistis, an unidentified Sesamia sp. and Eldana saccharina) on post-rainy season-transplanted sorghum on 9 farms was often quite high, ranging from 10% at Zigi Chokrai in Chad to 100% at Maltam and Fokotol in Cameroon. Damage symptoms are described. The percentage of larvae and pupae from which natural enemies emerged was low (less than 1%). The parasitoids recorded were Sturmiopsis inferens, Pediobius amaurocoela and Apanteles sesamiae (Cotesia sesamiae), while Nesolynx phaeosoma was recorded as a hyperparasitoid of C. sesamiae