Report / Technical

Inclusive/universal design for water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services - An annotated bibliography. Final Report, April 2010


This is the response to a DEWPoint helpdesk enquiry for a bibliography on inclusive/universal design for water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The annotated bibliography lists key references on the following topics: (1) Practical guidance on inclusive design of public infrastructure in general; (2) Practical guidance on making water and sanitation facilities accessible; (3) Accessibility audit tools for use in planning, assessment, evaluation and even in awareness raising; (4) Practical implementation of improving accessibility, mostly in the form of pilot projects; (5) Child/girl/disabled friendly school sanitation and hygiene; (6) Practical solutions to issues facing women and girls in managing menstruation; and (7) WASH provision for women and disabled people in emergencies. A link is also provided to a document that focuses on how to make participatory processes accessible and inclusive. Finally, there is a selection of documents that highlight the issues and problems of exclusion and lack of accessibility, although they provide little guidance on practical solutions. Issues are related to WASH for women and girls, disabled people, older people, people living with HIV/AIDS, and children. This report was produced by DEW Point, a Resource Centre for Environment, Water and Sanitation, that was funded by DFID and managed by a consortium of companies led by Harewelle International Limited. The Resource Centre closed in 2012