Report / Technical

Increasing the uptake of techniques which improve success and sustainability of wells and boreholes: inception report. Report no. CR/03/026N


This report marks the end of the short inception phase of the DFID KaR project (R8162).increasing the uptake of techniques which increase the success and sustainability of wells and boreholes. The project has been designed to contribute to two of DFID's themes for the water sector: Improved water and sanitation (W4) through increased uptake of research (X3). Much of the inception phase has comprised consultation through building an email network, organising an inception workshop and establishing a website. An email network has been established for the project comprising over 200 water professionals and scientists with an interest in rural water supplies. They come from 29 different countries with 18% from government, 23% from NGOs, 20% from the private sector, 31% researchers and the rest from donors and UN agencies. Approximately 35% of the network (73 people) have contributed to the project either through email or attending one of the workshops. Two workshops were held at the WaterAid offices in London in December 2002. Twenty-eight people attended the workshops and discussed the contents and potential users of a groundwater development manual. The 8 key decisions made during the inception phase of the project are presented. A dissemination strategy for the manual has been developed which will actively seek key personnel who have not already been informed through direct emailing from the project network. The strategy includes: marketing through ITDG publishing wing; dissemination through WaterAid's extensive incountry networks; field testing of the manual by government partners in South Africa, Malawi, and Nigeria; dissemination through existing networks (such as the International Association of Hydrogeologists and the Handpump network (Swiss SKAT); dissemination by DFID to its water projects and country offices; attendance at appropriate conferences, workshops and forums