
Interests and Perceptions of Agriculture among Rural Youth in Mozambique: A summary brief


This brief summarizes findings from an assessment of young people’s perceptions of and participation in agriculture in Mozambique. In order to understand young people’s interest and perspectives as they relate to the agricultural sector, we examined young women and men’s perceptions of the following themes: (i) sustainability of farming as a livelihood; (ii) existing opportunities for young people in the agricultural sector; (iii) access to land, other farm inputs and output markets for their farm produce; (iv) access to knowledge, skills and information; (v) youth engagement in forums for youth dialogue; and (vi) access to green jobs that contribute to environmental conservation and other economic activities outside agriculture. The study was conducted in six villages of Macate and Angonia districts, in central Mozambique. A total of seven focus group discussions were held with a total of 85 participants (39 males and 46 females)