
International Agricultural Research Centers: Achievements and Potential. Parts I and II


Parts I and II of a study of the impact of the CGIAR System on agricultural production and agricultural research institutions in developing countries, directed by Jock R. Anderson. Part I discusses the role of research in development, the rate of technological change in different regions and the forces that drive it, and the effects of this change on international trade in basic foodstuffs. The determination of priorities and methods of assessing the impact of research in the CGIAR are also addressed.Part II concerns the work and range of activities of CGIAR centers (or IARCs), the commodities or agroecological regions on which they work, their commodity and regional objectives, and in general, the scope of their respective mandates. It discusses linkages with national programs and other agricultural research institutions, and the growth of the CGIAR System.Agenda document at TAC 38 in October 1985. The impact study was the subject of a two day seminar at International Centers Week in October-November 1985. A summary overview was published by the CGIAR Secretariat in September 1985, and a book entitled Science and Food: The CGIAR and its Partners, based on the study, was published by the World Bank in 1988.