Dataset / Tabular

Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project, IFAD Impact Assessment Surveys 2017 (Philippines)


Smallholder rice farming is central to poverty reduction, food security, and rural development in the Philippines. One key issue is that around 41 percent of the country's irrigable land is not irrigated. Moreover, many irrigation systems are suggested to be poorly managed with unequal water distribution.

The Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project (IRPEP) was implemented in three regions (VI, VII and X) of the Philippines, between 2010-2015. It was designed to improve rice productivity and smallholder livelihoods by strengthening canal irrigation infrastructure of Communal Irrigation Systems (CIS), improving the capacity of the Irrigators' Associations (IAs) that manage the CIS, and offering complementary marketing support, Farmer Field Schools, and emergency seed buffer stocks.

The data collected are used to test the effectiveness of the 5-year Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project to improve the livelihoods of smallholder rice farmers in the Philippines.

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