Dataset / Tabular

KAP WASH 2017 in South Sudan's Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps (South Sudan)


A Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) survey was conducted in Ajuong Thok and Pamir Refugee Camps in November 2017 to determine the current Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) conditions as well as hygiene attitude and practices within the households (HHs) surveyed. The assessment utilized a systematic random sampling method, and a total of 559 HHs (379 in Ajuong Thok and 180 in Pamir) were surveyed using mobile data collection (MDC) within a period of ten (10) days. Data was cleaned and analysed in Excel.

The findings showed that the overall average number of liters of water per person per day was 19.5 liters in both Ajuong Thok and Pamir Camps, which was slightly lower than the recommended Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) minimum standard of at least 20 liters of water available per person per day. The average HH size was six people. Refugees were aware of the key health and hygiene practices, possibly as a result of routine health and hygiene messages delivered to them by Samaritan´s Purse (SP) and other health partners. It is recommended that proper water use measures be put in place to reduce water waste and that sanitation and hygiene messaging continue to be provided to improve sanitation and hygiene, with access to, and use of, latrines by refugees.