Scientific Publication

Kemiskinan masyarakat dan ketergantungan pada sumberdaya alam : Sebuah akar penyebab kebakaran di Sumatera Selatan


This study reveals that the relative importance of livelihood as sources of income in Southern Sumatra swamp has been change dramatically over the last 30 years. The change of the livelihoods was resulted from the degradation of natural resources. A high rate of land covers change from forest to large-scale plantation and transmigration settlement program, as well as a poor forestry practice and ignored the sustainability of swamp forest cause a degraded of land that use by communities. Most of the community members are poor farmers and they have less economic opportunity. The dependable of using fire to generate income is very high. The results of community fire management may not always be positive, but this also depends on whose perspective is adopted to judge the outcomes. At the global pe rspective, the impacts of using fire are negative, but at the local perspective, whethe r impacts on the environment are considered to be negative will depend to a large extent on their effects on livelihoods perspectives, the impacts could be positive. With a trade-off situation between suppl ying good environmental services and generating income for local communi ty’s livelihood, it is necessary to identify policy that can improve environment and livelihood simultaneously. If farmers has imposed to implement sustainable land management that provide good environmental services that is often free to beneficiaries but costly to farmers