Scientific Publication

Land science contributions to ecosystem services


We provide an overview of the contribution of land science to improving ecosystem service quantification, valuation and management. We briefly review the impacts of land use and land management change on ecosystem services, the complexity of relationships between the land system and the supply and use of ecosystem services, and the latest developments in the science and policy of quantifying and valuing ecosystem services provided by land. We suggest a number of areas where land science can contribute to improving the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services. First and foremost are better assessments of the changes that occur to ecosystem service supply from changes to land use and management and subsequent biophysical processes. Also needed are new high spatial and temporal resolution integrated assessment models developed at global to local scales that include the biophysical and socio-economic drivers of land use change and ecosystem service supply and demand impacts. Finally, tools and models that follow standards and use consistent approaches are needed to provide certainty to end users and decision makers. A way forward is to strengthen international cross-disciplinary collaborations; the land science and ecosystem service communities are well placed to do this