
Lessons Learned on Participatory Action Research (PAR) to Adoption of CSA Options with an Emphasis on Gender and Social Inclusion Across the 5 CCAFS Regions


This info note highlights the use of participatory action research (PAR) in the implementation of the climate-smart village (CSV) approach and how this may have influenced the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) options, with an emphasis on gender and social inclusion (GSI). It addresses the following key research questions:
 How were PAR approaches used in CSVs to support CSA adoption beyond planning, with a GSI lens? Did PAR approaches address gender in/equality dimensions?
 PAR is not a new concept, what was done differently or uniquely in the CSV approach? And specifically regarding GSI considerations?
 Which have been the key successes? What have been the challenges/lessons learned? Based on these learnings, what needs to be done differently in the future?
To sufficiently answer these questions, three methods of data collection were took place: a portfolio review, interviews with CCAFS regional staff, and a survey for local partners. Further detail regarding the approach is discussed in the methodology