Scientific Publication
Levers for Alleviating Poverty in Forests and Tree-Based Systems
Hajjar, R.
Newton, P.
Ihalainen, Markus
Agrawal, A.
Gabay, M.
Alix-Garcia, J.
Brown, S.E.
Erbaugh, J.T.
Hughes, K.
Mawutor, S.
Pacheco, P.
Schoneveld, George C.
Song, C.
Timko, J.
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Hajjar, R., Newton, P., Ihalainen, M., Agrawal, A., Gabay, M., Alix-Garcia, J., Brown, S.E., Erbaugh, J.T., Hughes, K., Mawutor, S., Pacheco, P., Schoneveld, G.C., Song, C., Timko, J. 2020. Levers for Alleviating Poverty in Forests and Tree-Based Systems. In: Daniel C. Miller, Stephanie Mansourian & Christoph Wildburger (eds.), IUFRO World Series;Volume 39. Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations. A Global Assessment Report: 124-175. Vienna, Austria. International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).