Scientific Publication

Maintenance and enhancement of germination and vigour in Marigold (Tagetes spp.) seed


Marigold is one of the important annual flowers grown for commercial purposes in India. Non availability of high quality seeds of marigold is one of the major constraints to its cultivation. The present investigations reveal that there is a rapid decline in vigour and viability of marigold seed under ambient conditions of storage from April to October in North Indian plains. Drying seeds to about 8% moisture content and storing in sealed moisture resistant packages resulted in maintenance of satisfactory levels of germination (above 50%) for 6 to 10 months at ambient temperatures, while placing silica gel with seeds in paper packets was effective up to 4 months. When stored at 15 2degreesC germination could be maintained for 8-10 Months in moisture resistant containers and for 6-8 months in paper packets with silica gel, respectively. Germination (%) after 4 days of accelerated ageing (100%, 40degreesC) was a good indicator of seed vigour and its field emergence potential. A simple pre-sowing seed hydration treatment (soaking for 24 hours at room temperature) was effective in increasing the speed and the final germination percentage. Slow drying of the hydrated seed over silica gel was preferred over sun drying, which was detrimental to seed quality