Dataset / Tabular

Malawi Baseline Impact Evaluation: Non-Food Consumption Data


Feed the Future initiative in Malawi is committed to improving food security and nutrition in farming households while reducing rural poverty through an agriculture-­led, integrated economic growth, nutrition, and natural resource management strategy. The goal of the impact evaluation is to determine whether integrating nutrition interventionsalongside agricultural value chain interventions will contribute to a greater reduction in malnutrition among children under 3 years of age, compared to nutrition improvements anticipated from stand-­alone value chain activities.The main objectives are to enable USAID missions to meet the performance monitoring requirements of Feed the Future and maximize the use and benefits of data collected; provide high-­quality empirical evidence to inform program design and investment decisions that will promote sustainable food security; ensure timely availability of high­quality data for use in monitoring performance and evaluating impacts of the Feed the Future initiative; and facilitate accountability and learning about which Feed the Future interventions work best, under what conditions, and at what cost