
Mapping of the context socio-ecological type (CSET).


The GeOC tool is divided in 2 components: the web-based geographic information system (called WEB-GIS tool) and the Sustainable Land Management (called SLM tool). This videos focus on WEB-GIS interface. It shows the function that maps the socio-ecological context similarity of a selected SLM. This will provide a spatially explicit extrapolation domain that supports the out or upscaling of the selected SLM. To check the GeOC tool, please follow this link: http://geoc.mel.cgiar.org To learn more about the project under which the GeOC tool is developed, please follow this link: https://mel.cgiar.org/projects/geoxc Acknowledgments: 'GeOC is the result of the synergic efforts by CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems (CRP-DS), the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and its Geoinformatics Unit (GU), and is powered by iMMAP, Codeobia, D-Space and Amazon Web Services.'