Mature plant and tissue resistance in the groundnut-peanut bud necrosis virus system
Leaves and plants of different ages of one susceptible (JL24) and two resistant (ICGV86031 and ICGV86388) groundnut genotypes were mechanically inoculated with peanut bud necrosis (tospo)virus, and the percentage of plants with systemic symptoms (incidence) and the incubation period were determined. The incidence decreased sharply in all three genotypes with the age of the inoculated leaves and plants. The incubation period increased with the age of leaves and plants. Apparently, only young tissue of young plants is susceptible, while mature tissue and plants are highly resistant. This mature tissue and plant resistance occurs irrespective of the susceptibility level of the genotype to peanut bud necrosis virus, however, it develops earlier in the resistant than in the susceptible genotypes