MDG Endline Survey 2013-2014 (Malawi)
The Malawi MDG Endline Survey (MES) was carried out in 2013-14 by National Statistical Office as part of the global MICS programme. Technical support was provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). UNICEF and John Hopkins University-World Health Organization (JHUWHO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Women, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), SAVE the Children Malawi and the Government of Malawi provided financial support.
The global MICS programme which the MES is part of was developed by UNICEF in the 1990s as an international household survey programme to collect internationally comparable data on a wide range of indicators on the situation of children and women. MICS surveys measure key indicators that allow countries to generate data for use in policies and programmes, and to monitor progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other internationally agreed upon commitments. The basic objective of the MES 2014 is to provide information on indicators for monitoring progress of attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and Malawi Growth and Development Strategy and other development programmes. Through collection and calculation of status of indicators of the Millennium Development Goals and other key social statistics indicators, the MES data will also be used to update the socio-economic database for policy and research.
The MES 2013-14 is a nationally representative sample survey encompassing a total of 28,479 households and involving women age 15-49 years, men age 15-49 years and children 0-5 years in 1,140 clusters. One third of the households in the sample were selected for male survey. The survey used a two-stage sample based on the 2008 Census of Population and Housing and has been designed to provide estimates of key indicators for the rural and urban areas in Malawi, the three Regions, and the 27 districts (except Likoma). The objective of the survey is to provide information on indicators for monitoring progress of attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and Malawi Growth and Development Strategy and other development programmes. Fieldwork was carried out by 32 mobile interviewing teams. The results pertain to the period between December 2013 and April 2014, when the field work was conducted.