Dataset / Tabular

Measuring Statelessness: A Study of the Pemba - 2016 (Kenya)


The survey of the Pemba was an attempt to reach all households in Kenya with links to Pemba in Tanzania. It was conducted in the two counties of Kilifi and Kwale on the coast, north and south of Mombasa, respectively. According to information from village elders familiar with the Pemba community in Kenya, most of the Pemba population resides in these two counties. While there are some Pemba residents in Lamu, the security situation prevented data collection there. Further, a few Pemba are believed to live in the city of Mombasa and elsewhere in the country. But due to lack of further information, no data were collected in Mombasa or elsewhere.

The objectives of the full survey, conducted in August 2016, were:
1. To establish the number and characteristics of the Pemba living in Kenya, including their arrival period in Kenya, nationality and their problems;
2. To make recommendations for the issuance of the documentation that is required for those who apply for citizenshiop by registration