Working Paper

A model for building collaborative actions and common understanding on agricultural GHG mitigation: C-AGG, T-AGG and M-AGG. CCAFS Working Paper No. 3


A multi-stakeholder forum has successfully used information sharing and collaborative learning to accelerate progress and bridge differences in policy and implementation approaches related to agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation opportunities. The Coalition on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (C-AGG) is an open-tent umbrella initiative focused on developing agreement to promote progressive policies to incentivize GHG emissions reductions from the agricultural sector. C-AGG spawned the formation of two related initiatives – the Technical Working Group on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (T-AGG), which assembles technical experts to develop scientific and analytical works to underpin policy development; and the Market Mechanisms for Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (MAGG), which focuses on the development of the market access tools and methodologies necessary for agriculture to participate in carbon markets. Working together, the initiatives have successfully engaged diverse perspectives to find common ground, and forge new areas of progress to advance agricultural GHG mitigation opportunities and efforts. Similar networking approaches may be effective for accelerating progress in developing countries