Scientific Publication

Molecular mapping of genes for resistance to the bean pod weevil (Apion gomani Wagner) in common bean


The bean pod weevil (Apion godmani Wagner) is a serious insect pest of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in Mexico and Central America that is best controlled by host-plant resistance available in Durango or Jalisco genotypes such as J-117. Given unreliable infestation by the insect, the use of marker-assisted selection is desirable. In the present study, we developed a set of nine molecular markers for Apion resistance and mapped them to loci on chromosomes 2, 3, 4 and 6 (linkage groups b01, b08, b07and b11, respectively) based on genetic analysis of an F 5:10 susceptible × resistant recombinant inbred line population (Jamapa × J-117) and two reference mapping populations (DOR364 × G19833 and BAT93 × JaloEEP558) for which chromosome and linkage group designations are known. All the markers were derived from randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) bands that were identified through bulked segregant analysis and cloned for conversion to sequence tagged site (STS) markers. One of the markers was dominant while four detected polymorphism upon digestion with restriction enzymes. The other markers were mapped as RAPD fragments. Phenotypic data for the population was based on the evaluation of percentage seed damage in replicated trials conducted over four seasons in Mexico. In single point regression analysis, individual markers explained from 3.5 to 22.5% of the variance for the resistance trait with the most significant markers overall being F10-500S, U1-1400R, R20-1200S, W9-1300S and Z4-800S, all markers that mapped to chromosome 2 (b01). Two additional significant markers, B1-1400R and W6-800R, were mapped to chromosome 6 (b11) and explained from 4.3 to 10.2% of variance depending on the season. The latter of these markers was a dominant STS marker that may find immediate utility in marker-assisted selection. The association of these two loci with the Agr and Agm genes is discussed as well as the possibility of additional resistance genes on chromosome 4 (b07) and chromosome 3 (b08). These are among the first specific markers developed for tagging insect resistance in common bean and are expected to be useful for evaluating the mechanism of resistance to A. godmani.