Multi-Tier Energy Access Tracking Framework Global Survey 2017 (Honduras)
The World Bank, with the support of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), has launched the Global Survey on Energy Access, which relies on the Multi-Tier Framework (MTF) approach. The Global Survey on Energy Access using the Multi-Tier Framework approach in Honduras 2017 has as its primary objectives:
- To measure household access to electricity based on the following seven attributes: capacity, availability, reliability, quality, affordability, formality, and health and safety.
- To measure household access to modern energy cooking solutions based on the following six attributes: cooking exposure, cookstove efficiency, convenience, affordability, health and safety of primary cookstove, and fuel availability.
- To provide detailed household energy data, including data on all energy sources each household uses with details on each MTF attribute; energy-related spending; energy use; user preferences; willingness to pay for grid, off-grid, and cooking solutions; and the satisfaction of customers with their primary energy source, for governments, development partners, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, investors, and service providers.
- To provide disaggregated data by urban or rural location, by economic quintile, and by the gender of the household head.