Dataset / Tabular

Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018 (Suriname)


The Suriname 2018 MICS results are critically important for the purposes of SDG monitoring, as the survey produces information on 31 global SDG indicators. Since the Government is in the process of drafting the development indicators for Suriname aligned with the SDG's, the MICS data is a valuable source of information for planning and monitoring purposes.

The Suriname 2018 MICS has as its primary objectives:

- To provide high quality data for assessing the situation of children, adolescents, women and households in Suriname;

- To furnish data needed for monitoring progress toward national goals, as a basis for future action;

- To collect disaggregated data for the identification of disparities, to inform policies aimed at social inclusion of the most vulnerable;

- To validate data from other sources and the results of focused interventions;

- To generate data on national and global SDG indicators;

- To generate internationally comparable data for the assessment of the progress made in various areas, and to put additional efforts in those areas that require more attention;

- To generate behavioural and attitudinal data not available in other data sources.