National Income Dynamics Study Administrative Dataset: Waves 1&2 (2008, 2010-2011) (South Africa)
The National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) is a face-to-face longitudinal survey of individuals living in South Africa as well as their households. The survey was designed to give effect to the dimensions of the well-being of South Africans, to be tracked over time. At the broadest level, these were:
Wealth creation in terms of income and expenditure dynamics and asset endowments;
Demographic dynamics as these relate to household composition and migration;
Social heritage, including education and employment dynamics, the impact of life events (including positive and negative shocks), social capital and intergenerational developments;
Access to cash transfers and social services
Wave 1 of the survey, conducted in 2008, collected the detailed information for the national sample. In 2010/2011 Wave 2 of NIDS re-interviewed these people, gathering information on developments in their lives since they were interviewed first in 2008. As such, the comparison of Wave 1 and Wave 2 information provides a detailed picture of how South Africans have fared over two years of very difficult socio-economic circumstances.
This administrative dataset is for schools attended by NIDS respondents. The dataset was created by matching the names of schools with Department of Education (DoE) registered lists of schools in South Africa. A detailed description of the matching process is provided in the user manual, which includes a description of the inherent limitations associated with conducting such an exercise.