Dataset / Tabular

National Panel Survey 2010-2011 (Uganda)


The Uganda National Panel Survey (UNPS) was carried out to collect high quality data on key outcome indicators such as poverty, service delivery, employment and to monitor government's development programs like the National Development Plan (NDP) on an annual basis. The 2010/11 survey collected information on socio-economic characteristics at household, individual and community levels.The UNPS 2010/11 was comprised of six modules: the Socio-Economic, Woman, Agriculture, Fisheries, Community and Market Price modules. The survey covered 3,200 households that were scientifically selected and followed for re-interview in 2009/10 and 2010/11.

The objectives of the survey were:
1) To provide information required for monitoring the NDP and other development objectives like the JAF, MDGs as well as specific programs such as the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) among others.
2) To provide high quality nationally representative information on income dynamics at the household level as well as annual consumption expenditure estimates to monitor poverty in years between Uganda National Household Surveys (UNHS).
3) To supply regular data on agriculture in order to characterize and monitor the performance of the agricultural sector.