Dataset / Tabular

National Panel Survey 2019-2020 (Uganda)


The UNPS aims at producing annual estimates in key policy areas; and providing a platform for experimenting with and assessing national policies and programs. Explicitly, the objectives of the UNPS include: 1. To provide information required for monitoring the National Development Strategy, of major programs such as National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) and General Budget Support, and also to provide information for the compilation of the National Accounts (e.g. agricultural production); 2. To provide high quality nationally representative information on income dynamics at the household level as well as information on service delivery and consumption expenditure estimates annually; to monitor poverty and service outcomes in interim years of other national survey efforts, such as the Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS), Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) and National Service Delivery Surveys (NSDS); 3. To provide a framework for low-cost experimentation with different policy interventions to e.g. reduce teacher absenteeism, improve ante-natal and post-natal care, and assess the effect of subsidies on agricultural inputs among others; 4. To provide a framework for policy oriented analysis and capacity building substantiated with the UGDR and support to other research which feed into the Annual Policy Implementation Review; and 5. To facilitate randomized impact evaluations of interventions whose effects cannot currently be readily assessed through the existing system of national household surveys.