Book / Monograph

Natural Resource Management for Horticulture Development


Horticultural crops have played a major role in ensuring livelihood security of farming community. The last decade has witnessed sea change in the production scenario of horticultural crops. Effective management of natural resources play important role in improving the productivity of horticultural crops in a sustainable manner. Practices genetic resource management, appropriate land use, maintaining soil fertility, efficient management of water resources, adoption of farming system approach for harnessing synergy between different components are some of the approaches on natural resource management for improving the productivity. A number of research work have been undertaken around the world on this aspect. It is time that the learning from the research in these areas to be translated into farmers field directly or after suitable refinement based on local scenario. In this book the authors have attempted to compile the available knowledge in these area including the findings of research work undertaken around the world. This book will be of immense importance for researchers in appraising themselves about the current status of research on different aspects of natural resource management in horticultural crops. It will also be useful for practitioners/farmers for adopting appropriate practices on natural resource management for improving income from their production system in a sustainable manner