Networks, working groups, and their role in enhancing collaborative research in groundnut
Agricultural research networks are tools for strengthening agricultural research in developing countries by using existing facilities and staff more effectively. This tool avoids duplication of effort and can make available a critical mass of research effort to solve specific problems at a relatively low cost. This paper briefly reviews how networks are organized and operate; how scientists in national programs can strengthen their personal scientific capabilities and upgrade their research; whatpitfalls National Agricultural Research System (NARS) administrators must consider in becoming involved; and the ways in which International Agricultural Research Centers (lARCs) use networks to expand their information bases and share their material and information with NARSs. It then outlines the organization of the Asian Grain Legumes Network (AGLN) and other networks facilitating collaborative research on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). Finally it examines the concept of Working Groups and how they are being used by the AGLN to focus and strengthen collaborative research on groundnut