Dataset / Tabular

News dealing with 'Xylella fastidiosa' collected with PADI-web


Due to the increasing number of new and reemerging pests resulting from intensification, globalisation and climate change, monitoring of plant health is crucial. In this context, the PADI-web pipeline was implemented for plant disease surveillance.
This dataset presents data collected from PADI-web dealing with Xylella fastidiosa (period: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2022). Extraction done the 4th of January 2023:<br>
(1) 157 relevant news: relevant_articles_Xylella_Fastidiosa_04012023.json;<br>
(2) Relevant events based on locations extracted in these relevant news: relevant_all_location_extracted_information_Xylella_Fastidiosa_04012023.json;<br>
(3) 648 news (relevant and irrelevant): all_articles_Xylella_Fastidiosa_04012023.json