Dataset / Tabular

NIRS Database on fresh blended cassava for DM at IITA, Nigeria


The database for fresh blended cassava roots consists of 130 spectra data collected using the benchtop FOSS Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS) with serial number 3013-0857. The spectra comprise 18 cassava genotypes in 2 replications and with triplicate scans. The Spectra data were collected in IITA, Nigeria, in the year 2019/2020.
The fresh roots were washed and dried with a paper towel to remove dirt and cut longitudinally into four sections. The two adjacent sections were pulled and cut to reduce the size, and then the samples were placed in the blended using the Warren Blender until a smooth texture is obtained. The blended mash was transferred quantitatively into the coarse cup of the NIRS for the spectra data collection.