Dataset / Tabular

NIRS Database on wet fufu (intermediate) using portable device for DM at NRCRI, Nigeria


Fufu, a fermented wet paste food product from cassava is a good source of dietary energy and is one of the widely consumed food in Nigeria and other West African countries. A rapid and accurate method for determining dry matter (DM) content of fufu mash will be valuable for further work to be done on fufu.
This data base contain the spectra of wet fufu mash samples processed from cassava genotypes harvested at NRCRI Umudike Nigeria (between August and September 2020) with the Portable/handheld NIRS (Quality SpecTrek). A total number of 540 spectra were acquired from 60 (sixty) samples of wet fufu mashes. Three different quartz cups were filled with fufu mashes (of about 8-10g) and covered with a white cover material. They were placed against the window of the portable/handheld NIRS device and spectra captured. Calibration model developed for dry matter content (DM) showed the mean and standard deviation to be 45.22 and 6.9 respectively with the standard error of laboratory at 0.79.
A SOP on the protocol for the determination of DM on wet fufu mash using a handheld NIRS has been linked to this database. The ASD hand-held NIRS was acquired by NRCRI (National Root Crops Research Institute) Umudike Nigeria in the year 2016.