Scientific Publication

Nomads: The Marginalized Citizens - A Participatory Research on Meanings and Expressions of Rights and Citizenship amongst Nomadic Communities in Rajasthan


This paper explores the issue of citizenship identities from the vantage point of nomads. It generally examines the nomads' quest for an inclusive citizenship in the context of their social exclusion. In particular, it deliberates on their expressions of demands to bring to the fore their interests, concerns and priorities in the implementation and formulation of affirmative government policies. The report is organized in three sections. Section I provides the introduction, context, objectives, research questions, conceptual framework and research methodology. Section II focuses on the nomads' vocalization of (a) their problems and priorities in the interrelated contexts of land, shelter, livelihood, rights and entitlements, and inter-community relationships, and (b) their interactions with institutions, both state and civil society institutions, in accessing the resources and opportunities. Section III interprets the findings and draws lessons from it