Scientific Publication

Nutrient management strategies in participatory watersheds in semi arid tropical India


Watershed based nutrient management options In different states (Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and Tamil Nadu) were evaluated on farmer's fields based on initial soil characterization. Besides N and P, several other secondary and micronutrients such as S, Zn and B were found deficient in farmers' fields In watersheds. The extent of N deficiency In tested farmers' fields was 100%, P (upto 90%), Zn, B and S (upto 100%). Several ralnfed crops responded significantly to balanced application of nutrients to the extent of more than 100%. The cost benefit ratio In production of crops was higher when S, B andZn were supplied. Various integrated nutrient management options such as NP+mlcronutrients alongwith organic manures such as Gliricidia, vermicompost, tank silt, growing legumes in the systems or Rhizobium Inoculation, FYM or application of groundnut shells, etc showed the yield advantages. Integrated nutrient management (INM) along with soil and water conservation measures doubled the yields of several crops