Organic carbon forms in Alfisol profile after Twenty Years of Cropping, Fertilization, Groundnut Shells and Farm Yard Manure Addition under Arid Conditions
The objectives of this study were to examine ;he effects of 20 years of groundnut cropping with chemical fertilization (NPK), organic manuring (FYM or groundnut shells) and integrated use of these two inputs (INM) on crop yields, soil organic carbon (SOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in an Alfisol under arid conditions. VariollS nutrient managcment options significantly «0.05) improved yield of groundnut pod over 20 years. The SOC improved significantly in surface layer (0-20 cm) from 0.31 % in control to 0.59 % in 50 % NPK + 4 t FYM ha