Dataset / Tabular

Pakistan Cotton Survey 2014, Round 1.3


<p>The dataset "Pakistan Cotton Survey 2014, Round 1.3" was collected to inform the research study that examines the efficiency of markets for cotton seed in Pakistan with particular emphasis on the market for genetically modified cotton seed embodying insect-resistance traits from the soil bacterium Bacillus thurigiensis (Bt) that have been conferred through genetic modification.</p>
<p>The survey was designed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and implemented by Innovative Development Studies (IDS). It collected data on the harvest from each picking and the total sales of cotton. Round 1.3 was implemented between January-February in 2014, immediately after the last harvest. Data were collected from the households sampled in Round 1.1. Of the original sample of 728 households, 46 chose not to grow cotton in kharif 2013, 70 lost their crops to flood or other natural disasters, four migrated and eight dropped out in the second- or third-round surveys. </p>