Report / Evaluation

Pathways for change: monitoring and evaluation. Learning from the Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy


Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plays a central role in ensuring accountability, informing decision-making and, more broadly, facilitating learning. The programmes within the DFID-funded Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS) have developed some innovative methods of M&E. The RNRRS also saw an evolution in thinking in M&E, moving from a focus on the M&E of research products to a recognition that the context and mechanisms for adoption of research products are equally important, as is the effect on poverty reduction. The Brief looks at the RNRRS system and highlights some innovative methods that have been developed for monitoring research outputs and outcomes and for assessing uptake and impact processes, innovation systems and organisational learning. It concludes by sharing relevant lessons for future natural resource research strategies. The Brief provides a synthesis of new knowledge rather than a comprehensive review of current information. This Brief is an edited summary of a paper written by Kath Pasteur and Susanne Turrall (2006): A synthesis of monitoring and evaluation experience in the Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy