Pedestrian safety in the developing world
This paper describes some of the pedestrian safety research carried out jointly by the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), Karachi’s Traffic Engineering Bureau (TEB) and counterpart organisations in Botswana, Papua New Guinea and Zimbabwe. Pedestrian fatalities in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East typically represent more than 40% of all road deaths. Detailed analysis of national data indicates some key differences between developing and developed country pedestrian accidents. For example, Third World pedestrian casualties are more likely to be children and the accidents frequently occur on rural roads and away from junctions. In Karachi the TEB has pioneered the use of raised pedestrian crossings; in Pakistan, and in Papua New Guinea the Road Authorities have introduced measures such as rural footpaths and improved crossing facilities. The prelimninary results of the evaluation of these measures are presented in this paper, together with the findings from surveys of road safety education activities in Pakistan, Zimbabwe and Botswana