Dataset / Tabular

Perception of Frequency and Impact of Risks in the Koutiala Region of Mali


A deeper understanding of how smallholder farmers perceive and manage risks is crucial to identify options that increase farmers' adaptive capacity. This dataset is from the research study that was conducted to understand a broad range of risks that play a role in farmer's decision-making processes. The study was carried out in four villages in the Koutiala district, situated in the Sudanian agro-ecological zone in southern Mali. A first-round of focus group discussions (FGD) was organized during the rainy season of 2017 in four villages (Nitabougoro, Nampossela, Deresso and N'Tiesso). One session per village was organized at which men, women and youth from the four farm types were invited. Each session lasted around two hours and attracted between seven to 24 participants. The main goal was to list the spectrum of agricultural risks farmers feel they are facing, by asking them about events that are a source of risk. This exercise led to a list of 24 hazards that was the basis for the individual survey on risk perception. Farmers categorized the hazards according to the , frequency and timing (start, during, or end of the rainy season) when the hazard is likely to cause the biggest impact on farm production and income. The category “Other” was given to hazards without a clear time component. </p>