Book / Monograph

Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols: Summary Proceedings of a Workshop, 23-26 Aug 1988, ICRISAT Center


In recent years, scientists and extension agencies have become much more aware of the high potential productivity of Vertisols and associated soils. However, one gap in current knowledge is how best to assess the phosphorus status of these heavy black clay soils. Crops on Vertisols have appeared to be less responsive to phosphorus fertilizers than those grown on other soils. This difference has been explained by various hypotheses, notably high fixation of fertilizer phosphorus and poor prediction of soil-available phosphorus by the Olsen test. As yet no hypothesis has been unanimously accepted. Part of the difficulty lies in the fact that much of the information is scattered. By bringing together scientists who have actually studied some aspect of phosphorus in Vertisols, this workshop aimed to develop a better understanding of past work and future research needs