Pigeonpea in eastern and southern Africa: summary proceedings of the Launching Meeting for the African Development Bank/ICRISAT Collaborative Pigeonpea Project for Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 17-18 Mar 1992 and Lilongwe, Malawi, 30-31 Mar 1992
Two meetings took place in March 1992 to launch an African Development Bank-funded collaborative pigeonpea project for eastern and southern Africa. This resulting publication was specifically prepared by ICRISAT for submission to the African Development Bank. It is divided into three sections. The first consists of introductory and background information, the second deals with the Nairobi meeting, and the third the Lilongwe meeting. Summaries of the 19 papers presented at the meetings are included. These cover Country Papers that are statements of the status of pigeonpea research in each country, and Special Topic Papers that provide additional information on various aspects of the crop. The full texts of the opening and closing speeches and the participating countries' lists of national program requirements are also included. Of particular importance are the recommendations and suggested work plans for initiating collaborative pigeonpea research in the two regions