Scientific Publication

Pigeonpea - A unique jewel in rainfed cropping systems


Pigeonpea is a crop for rainfed
environments endowed with several features
to thrive harsh climate. It adapts well in sole
crop and inter cropped conditions (with
cereals, millets, oils seeds and pulses) by
enhancing the system productivity and net
income to the small and marginal farmers
across the globe. The range of maturity
duration in the crop allows it to grow in
diversified cropping systems and patterns in
varied ecoregions of the world.
Development of cytoplasmic male sterility
based hybrids provided an opportunity for
enhancing the yields under marginal
environments. With recent interventions in
addressing the photo sensitivity and maturity
have led to evolving super early varieties with
less than 100 days duration, provided a scope
for horizontal expansion of the crop in
different agro ecological systems