Dataset / Tabular

Population and Family Health Survey 2017-2018 (Jordan)


The primary objective of the 2017-18 Jordan Population and Family Health Survey (JPFHS) is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators.
Specifically, the 2017-18 JPFHS:
- Collected data at the national level that allowed calculation of key demographic indicators
- Explored the direct and indirect factors that determine levels of and trends in fertility and childhood mortality
- Measured levels of contraceptive knowledge and practice
- Collected data on key aspects of family health, including immunisation coverage among children, the prevalence and treatment of diarrhoea and other diseases among children under age 5, and maternity care indicators such as antenatal visits and assistance at delivery among ever-married women
- Obtained data on child feeding practices, including breastfeeding, and conducted anthropometric measurements to assess the nutritional status of children under age 5 and ever-married women age 15-49
- Conducted haemoglobin testing on children age 6-59 months and ever-married women age 15-49 to provide information on the prevalence of anaemia among these groups
- Collected data on knowledge and attitudes of ever-married women and men about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS
- Obtained data on ever-married women’s experience of emotional, physical, and sexual violence
- Obtained data on household health expenditures