Dataset / Tabular

Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention 2020 (Ukraine)


UNHCR conducts post-distribution monitoring (PDM) on a regular basis for assistance activities in order to deepen its understanding of the impact these activities have on the persons the organization assists and provides protection to.

In Ukraine, UNHCR provides individual protection assistance in the following regions: Kyiv, Odesa, Zakarpattya (also covers Lviv) and Kharkiv regions. The UNHCR Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) support only vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers. The type of assistance vary depending on the needs and vulnerability of persons of concern.
the following types of CBI assistance that were provided to refugees and asylum-seekers by UNHCR and its Partners in Ukraine in 2020:
1. Supplementary assistance and newcomers' assistance
- Modality: voucher (Metro cards, a supermarket chain that partners with UNHCR)
- Available only in Kyiv and Odesa
- Description: Distribution of vouchers (Metro cards) for food and non-food items to refugees and asylum-seekers who meet established vulnerability criteria (newcomers, PoCs in need of supplementary food or hygiene due to medical condition). In 2020, 121 families residing in Kyiv and Odesa received voucher assistance at least once.

In 2020 UNHCR used Metro Cash&Carry (big supermarket chain) cards in the value of 500 UAH. However, due to COVID-19 quarantine restrictions imposed by the government of Ukraine, UNHCR Ukraine has gradually shifted to provision of these types of assistance through other modalities. This PDM focused only on the cases processed through vouchers.

2. MSA (Monthly Subsistence Allowance)
- Modality: cash. OTC (over the counter)
- Available in Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv
Description: MSA (monthly subsistence allowance) aims to support the most vulnerable persons of concern. It is given based on the strict vulnerability criteria and cases are reviewed every four months at the MSA committee meetings, composed of partner social counselors, SMS and UNHCR. In 2020, 105 vulnerable families were covered by this type of support.

The amount of MSA is calculated based on the family size. It is in line with the recommendations of the Cash Working Group on assistance provision at 60% of subsistence level (3 774.62 UAH as of February 2020), which corresponds to MSA amount. Assistance per single person provided by UNHCR amounted to 2 400 UAH per month, proportionally increased depending on the number of household members.