Project Information Sheet template
Estimates suggest that 8 million Afghan households are dependent on incomes derived from crop
production and livestock rearing. Livestock provide a source of income and nutrition, as well as an
economic asset which can be sold in time of dire need. Shortage of forage (quality and quantity)
limits animal productivity and introduces economic risk to the household, particularly over cold
winter months. Lack of quality seed of improved forage varieties, poorly functioning seed and
fodder markets, and biased national policy towards production of strategic food crops constrains
economic incentives for sustainable forage production and marketing. In line with these concerns,
one key objective of this initiative is to develop economically viable and sustainable forage
production systems in order to reduce winter feed gaps within the water constrained provinces of
Baghlan and Nangarhar. A second is to enhance national uptake of research outputs through more
effective linkages between national and international research systems and pluralistic (public,
private, civil society) input, marketing and service providers. In recognizing that women play
important roles within integrated crop and livestock production systems, we pay attention to
equitable access to knowledge, public and private services in the development of forage
production systems which are socially sustainable