Dataset / Tabular

Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions, IFAD Impact Assessment Surveys 2016 (Madagascar)


The Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions (AD2M) sought to improve the well-being of marginalized farmers facing individual and environmental constraints by implementing a multifaceted programme that combined land titling with improved irrigation infrastructure to increase productivity and reduce farmers’ susceptibility to weather and climate shocks.

The programme created new irrigation infrastructure in areas that had not been irrigated, and rehabilitated existing irrigation infrastructure when possible. The irrigation allowed farmers to use better agricultural techniques. For example, they potentially could manage water flow to crops better during the primary growing season, and could support a second growing season with the more efficient water supply. We would expect crop yields to increase if farmers followed these techniques.

The AD2M project is organised around three components (and eight subcomponents): component 1, support for local governance and land tenure security; component 2, support for sustainable development of the productive base; and component 3, project management and monitoring and evaluation. Its implementation was planned to take place over a period of 8 years beginning in 2007.

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