Dataset / Tabular

Projected Climate Variables for Different Governorates of Iraq under Two IPCC Scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5)


This is the projected Temperature (Mean Annual) and Precipitation (Annual Sum) average over the different Governorates of Iraq from 1980-2100. The data is provided for the two IPCC Scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5).

For the long term future climate change analysis presented, an ensemble climate product developed under the RICCAR project [2] which is focused on MENA. This product, hereafter called “RICCAR” consists of the outputs of three GCMS (CNRM, GFDL and EC-EARTH) that were downscaled and bias-corrected (1980-2100) for different climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5). In this study, these climate products were strategically analyzed, and the climate change dynamics of the Iraq were studied.

The RICCAR stands for Regional Initiative for the Assessment of Climate Change Im83 pacts on Water Resources and Socio-Economic Vulnerability in the Arab Region (RICCAR) is an outcome of a collaborative effort between the United Nations and the League of Arab States (LAS) and respective specialized organizations to respond to the request of the Arab Ministerial Water Council and the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment to deepen the understanding of the impact of climate change on water resources and its associated implications for socio-economic vulnerability in the Arab region. The RICCAR Initiative aims at assessing the impact of climate change on freshwater resources in the Arab Region through a consultative and integrated assessment that seeks to identify the socio-economic and environmental vulnerability caused by climate change impacts on water resources in the Arab region.