Report / Technical

Promoting the pro-poor policy lessons of R8100 with key policy actors in India. Final Technical Report for project R8334


The DFID-NRSP project R8334 \'Promoting the Pro-Poor Policy Lessons of R8100 with Key Policy Actors in India\' built upon a previous DFID-NRSP project R8100 \'Investigating Improved Policy on Aquaculture Service Provision to Poor People. Working closely with a wide range of stakeholders, project R8100 had highlighted mechanisms for the delivery of improved rural aquaculture services at state and national levels in India. Prioritized recommendations of farmers and fishers and service providers were shared with policy-makers as live drama, film documentaries, reports, PowerPoint presentations and case studies. R8334 investigated how to follow up the sensitization achieved by R8100, how to promote and build capacity to transform policy recommendations into pro-poor service provision, and how to assess progress towards livelihood improvement. The project worked with stakeholders to nurture and monitor change through communications and institutional capacity-building. Six of the recommendations of R8100 were implemented during the course of R8334, which is the third in a suite of DFID-NRSP projects concerning the role of aquaculture in the lives of poor people in eastern India