Scientific Publication

Prospective analysis for community participation in trypanosomosis control in The Gambia


The shift towards community participation in the eradication of trypanosomosis calls for investigation the underlying incentive structure for individuals in the community to cooperate in the provision of various control methods. Survey data were used to assess patterns of the community's demand for insecticide pour-ons and trypanocidal drugs and factors affecting individual demand in The Gambia. The results show that insecticide pour-on is strongly preferred. Similarly, farmers revealed a preference for community-based provision scheme. Factors affecting an individual farmer's decision to invest in either pour-on or trypanocidal drugs were highlighted. While there are many factors associated with farmer's decisions to invest in trypanosomosis control methods and to participate in collective actions, the results indicate that farmers are ready to anticipate complete privatization of veterinary services through community-based schemes.