Dataset / Tabular

Replication Data for: Fragmentation increases wind disturbance impacts on forest structure and carbon stocks in a western Amazonian landscape


Dataset of Fragmentation increases wind disturbance impacts on forest structure and carbon stocks in a Western Amazonian landscape, contains the raw data, non-spatial data used for the analysis of fragmentation effects on wind damage in Schwartz et al. 2017. For spatially explicit data, please contact the author. Variable names are as follows: PID = ID of patch in which pixel is located, dam = pixel wind damage (deltaNPV), = pixel distance to edge, secondary = binary indicator for secondary forest (0 = old growth, 1 = secondary), AREA = patch size, SHAPE = shape index (i.e. edginess) from fragstats, PROX = proximity index from fragstats*-1 (i.e. isolation)