Book / Monograph
Report of the ninth (1985) international pearl millet rust nursery (IPMRN)
The 1985 International Pearl Millet Rust Nursery (IPMRN), containing 45 entries, was sent to cooperators at four locations in India. Data were received from all locations. Rust pressure was most severe at Mysore followed by Bhavanisagar. No entry was rust free at all locations. Three entries, 700481-21-8, 7042-1-4-4, and P 24-1, remained rust free at all locations except Aurangabad and one entry, IP 8695-4, developed no more than 2% mean rust at any location. Five other entries, 700481-23-2, P 1592, IP 2084-1, D1C 14-P2 and P 548, developed less than or equal to 10% mean rust across locations